Date(s) |
Auteur(s) |
Titre de l’article, lien et remarques entre crochets |
30/06/2024 |
Microorganisms |
A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province, Marco Alessandria et al. (Immortal time bias) |
29/06/2024 |
Preprints |
Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part I, James Thorp et al. |
29/06/2024 |
COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 1, M. Nathaniel Mead et al. |
29/06/2024 |
Cancer Mortality Surges Post COVID ModRNA Vaccination, Ronald Palacios Castrillo |
28/06/2024 |
Covid long et effets indésirables : Comprendre et soigner, Jean-Marc Sabatier et Estelle Fougères (Vidéo) |
27/06/2024 |
CDC Recommends Updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for Fall/Winter Virus Season |
27/06/2024 |
The Lancet |
Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 KP.3, LB.1, and KP.2.3 variants, Yu Kaku et al. |
27/06/2024 |
Batch-dependent safety of COVID-19 vaccines in the Czech Republic and comparison with data from Denmark, Tomáš Fürst et al. |
27/06/2024 |
Yahoo! |
Pfizer and BioNTech Receive Positive CHMP Opinion for Omicron JN.1-adapted COVID-19 Vaccine in the European Union |
26/06/2024 |
Npj vaccines |
The direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccination on human ovarian granulosa cells explains menstrual irregularities, Hadas Bar-Joseph et al. |
25/06/2024 |
Rapport d’enquête N°1 de pharmacovigilance du Beyfortus (nirsévimab de Sanofi contre le Virus Respiratoire Syncytial (VRS)) |
25/06/2024 |
Vaccines |
Acquired Hemophilia A after SARS-CoV-2 Immunization: A Narrative Review of a Rare Side Effect, Roberto Castelli et al. |
25/06/2024 |
Zenodo |
Are Covid19 mRNA Injections the Cause of Turbo Cancers due to Prion Behavior of P53 Tumor Suppressor? - J.-C. Perez |
25/06/2024 |
Pr Didier Raoult |
L'éthique dans la recherche médicale 1/4 (Vidéo 20') |
24/06/2024 |
La Libre |
Voici pourquoi certaines personnes n’ont jamais eu le Covid |
22/06/2024 |
Cureus |
Retractation: Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan, Miki Gibo et al. |
22/06/2024 |
Vaccine X |
Lipodystrophy following Covid-19 Vaccination: A case report, Mehrnaz Shakarami et al. (Sinopharm vaccine) |
22/06/2024 |
Blick |
Aux Etats-Unis, au Brésil, en Argentine, au Japon... À cause du Covid-19, nous tombons plus souvent malades |
21/06/2024 |
Therapies |
COVACPREG, a French prospective cohort study of women vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy, Isabelle Lacroix |
21/06/2024 |
Infection |
The association between COVID-19 vaccine/infection and new-onset asthma in children - based on the global TriNetX database, Chiao-Yu Yang et al. |
21/06/2024 |
Association of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination with Facial-Related Neurological Disorders: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study, Younggoo Kim et al. |
21/06/2024 |
Arch. of Microbiology & Immunology |
Dealing with COVID-19 Vaccine Related Antibody-Dependent Enhancement: A Mini Review, Alexis Lacout et al. (ADE) |
21/06/2024 |
SudInfo |
Vaccins Covid : l’affaire des SMS entre Von der Leyen et Pfizer devant la justice belge |
21/06/2024 |
Forensic Science Int. |
A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination, Nicolas Hulscher et al. (withdrawn 02/08/2024) (Preprint) |
21/06/2024 |
Egora |
"Je n'ai pas traité les gens d'imbéciles ou d'assassins" : le Pr Raoult jugé en appel par l'Ordre des médecins |
20/06/2024 |
Strategika |
Liste des députés qui ont voté pour le pass vaccinal il y a deux ans |
20/06/2024 |
New York Post |
Dr. Anthony Fauci writes COVID-19 lab leak is a ‘conspiracy theory’ in memoir — but told Congress it wasn’t |
19/06/2024 |
MedRxiv |
A causal link between autoantibodies and neurological symptoms in long COVID, Keyla Santos Guedes de Sa et al. |
19/06/2024 |
Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines, Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker |
19/06/2024 |
Nature |
Human SARS-CoV-2 challenge uncovers local and systemic response dynamics, Rik G. H. Lindeboom et al. |
19/06/2024 |
La Dépêche |
Covid-19 : elle avait affirmé que "les urgences n’étaient pas engorgées", une ancienne directrice d’ARS visée par une plainte pour ses propos antivax (Marie-Ange Perulli) |
19/06/2024 |
Preprints |
COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes, Claire Rogers et al. |
18/06/2024 |
The Blaze |
Prominent scientists demand retractions from journals that published 'unsound' articles downplaying possible COVID-19 lab origins (Dr. Richard H. Ebright) |
18/06/2024 |
Vaccine effectiveness of primary and booster COVID-19 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 infection: repeat analyses with updated data for the prospective cohort study in the Netherlands from July 2021 to June 2022, Anne J. Huiberts et al. |
18/06/2024 |
Le Figaro |
Covid-19 : le Pentagone aurait mené secrètement une campagne antivax pour discréditer le vaccin chinois Sinovac |
18/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
Des milliers de victimes d’effets secondaires demandent à être entendues : pourquoi les institutions ne veulent pas d’enquête ? |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence (Vidéo 2H15') |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence: Written Testimony of Robert F. Garry |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence: Written Testimony of Gregory D. Koblentz |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence: Written Testimony of Steven Quay |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence: Written Testimony of Richard H. Ebright |
18/06/2024 |
Full Committee Hearing - Origins of COVID-19: An examination of available evidence |
18/06/2024 |
Pr Didier Raoult |
Covid-19 : Qu'avons-nous appris pour faire face à un nouvel épisode épidémique ? 2/2 (Vidéo 25') (Monkeypox devenu MST, porte-avion CdG, modèles mathématiques, Dark Winter, anthrax, variole, R0 simplifié, IA, danger des collectivités animales, élevages, surveillance effluents, Covid non immunisant, variabilité des virus, organisation non fonctionnelle des gouvernants, installer recherches en santé dans les hôpitaux et écoles d'infirmières) |
17/06/2024 |
Medical Xpress |
Over $1 bn to be pledged for Africa vaccine sovereignty: France (summit held in Paris) |
17/06/2024 |
The Korean Pain Society |
Persistent headache and chronic daily headache after COVID-19: a prospective cohort study, Larissa Clementino Leite Sá Carvalho et al. |
17/06/2024 |
Kansas Reflector |
Kansas AG Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading vaccine marketing in lawsuit (Plainte de Kris Kobach contre Pfizer) |
17/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
Relaxe du Pr Perronne dans ce qui s’apparente à une tentative d’instrumentalisation du tribunal par la Pr Karine Lacombe |
17/06/2024 |
Zone Bourse |
Le Kansas accuse Pfizer d'avoir trompé le public sur le vaccin COVID dans un procès |
17/06/2024 |
New York Post |
Pfizer sued by Kansas for allegedly hiding COVID vaccine risks, making false claims |
17/06/2024 |
L'ancien ministre Olivier Véran renonce finalement à la médecine esthétique pour rester en neurologie |
16/06/2024 |
The Epoch Times |
Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic. ‘It’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic,’ Dr. Robert Redfield said (Gain-of-Function) |
16/06/2024 |
The Epoch Times |
La Chine manipule le virus Ebola |
15/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
"La suppression totale des émissions de CO2 est un mensonge et la France se ruine pour rien avec la transition écologique" - Entretien avec Christian Gérondeau |
14/06/2024 |
Clin Case Rep. |
COVID‐19‐induced immune thrombocytopenia management approach: A case report and literature review, Hatem Mahmoud Alahwal et al. |
14/06/2024 |
MedRxiv |
COVID-19 advocacy bias in the BMJ: meta-research evaluation, Kasper P Kepp, ..., John Ioannidis |
13/06/2024 |
AACE Clin Case Rep. |
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: A Case Report and Literature Review of 17 Published Cases, Unnati Bhatia et al. |
13/06/2024 |
The Dossier |
Double Digits: Biden Admin tells Americans that it's soon time for their 10th Covid shot |
13/06/2024 |
BMC Nephrol. |
A case of TAFRO syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination, successfully treated with cyclosporine, Yasuyuki Mimura et al. |
12/06/2024 |
Incidence and management of the main serious adverse events reported after COVID-19 vaccination, Teresa Padilla-Flores et al. |
12/06/2024 |
Preprints |
Clinical and Diagnostic Features of Post-Acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS), Anna Katharina Mundorf et al. |
12/06/2024 |
Incidence and management of the main serious adverse events reported after COVID-19 vaccination, Teresa Padilla-Flores et al. |
12/06/2024 |
Long-lasting, biochemically modified mRNA, and its frameshifted recombinant spike proteins in human tissues and circulation after COVID-19 vaccination, László G. Boros et al. |
12/06/2024 |
Grippe aviaire : l’Europe se prépare (vaccin CSL Seqirus) |
11/06/2024 |
Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media |
11/06/2024 |
J. of Med. Virology |
Global estimates on the reports of vaccine-associated myocarditis and pericarditis from 1969 to 2023: Findings with critical reanalysis from the WHO pharmacovigilance database, Sooji Lee et al. |
11/06/2024 |
Pharmaceuticals |
Promising Strategies to Reduce the SARS-CoV-2 Amyloid Deposition in the Brain and Prevent COVID-19-Exacerbated Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, Nikita Navolokin et al. |
11/06/2024 |
Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media |
11/06/2024 |
The Conversation |
Fièvre hémorragique de Crimée-Congo en France : la menace se précise, Simon Bessis (SPILF) |
11/06/2024 |
Bird Flu Virus Infections in Humans (A(H7N9) virus and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) and A(H5N6)) |
11/06/2024 |
Pr Didier Raoult |
COVID-19 : Qu'avons-nous appris pour faire face à un nouvel épisode épidémique ? (Vidéo 24') [crime contre l'esprit, mesures sociales inefficaces, ignorances scientifiques ex. mutants, virologues et séquençages, sous-développement français en équipements, décisions politiques-scientifiques, rôle de Delfraissy, contrôle eaux usées, visons, oxymètres, test des molécules, curcumin, vitamine D, la panique tue] |
10/06/2024 |
Vie publique |
Dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale : premier tour des législatives le 30 juin |
10/06/2024 |
BMJ Sex Reprod Health |
Association between COVID-19 vaccination and menstruation: a state of the science review, Laura A Payne et al. |
10/06/2024 |
Brownstone |
Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”, Dr. David Gortler |
10/06/2024 |
US-Gericht: mRNA-Stoffe keine Impfungen (Les substances à ARNm ne sont pas des vaccins) |
10/06/2024 |
Two-in-one flu and Covid jab passes advanced trial (mRNA vaccine Moderna) |
10/06/2024 |
Front. Immunol. |
The impact of COVID-19 on “biological aging”, Fathima Humaira Amanullah et al. |
09/06/2024 |
Assemblée nationale |
Dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale |
09/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
Californie : "le vaccin Covid n’est pas un VACCIN...s'il ne protège pas de la transmission" debriefing avec l'avocat George Wentz |
09/06/2024 |
BioRxiv |
Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 KP.3, LB.1 and KP.2.3 variants, Yu Kaku et al. |
09/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
Anthony Fauci, “l’homme des maladies infectieuses” celui qui ne soigna ni le COVID ni son syndrome d'Hubris |
08/06/2024 |
Fox Business |
Pfizer's Paxlovid fails as 15-day treatment for long COVID, study finds. Long COVID symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue and brain fog |
08/06/2024 | |
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines (Eudra-vigilance data) |
08/06/2024 |
The Telegraph |
Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments - TV viewers not told they have previously received thousands of pounds from AstraZeneca |
08/06/2024 |
FranceSoir |
États-Unis : la Cour d’appel de Californie (9th district) accepte que "le vaccin Covid n’est pas un VACCIN...s'il ne protège pas de la transmission" |
07/06/2024 |
Judiciary Committee |
Chairman Jordan Demands Dr. Fauci Appear for Transcribed Interview About Censorship Efforts During COVID-19 |
07/06/2024 |
New York Post |
House Judiciary chair Jim Jordan rips Dr. Anthony Fauci for ‘false’ testimony on COVID cover-up |
07/06/2024 |
Washington Examiner |
Andrew Cuomo to be questioned by COVID subcommittee for nursing home deaths (June 11) |
07/06/2024 |
Scientific Reports |
Impact of in vitro SARS-CoV-2 infection on breast cancer cells, Michele Sommariva et al. |
07/06/2024 |
Tocsin |
Rebondissement dans l’affaire McKinsey : une sénatrice dévoile tout ! (Laurence Muller-Bronn sénatrice du Bas-Rhin) |
06/06/2024 |
Cureus |
Types and Rates of COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Microsatellite Stable and Instable Non-Metastatic Colon Cancer, Erman Akkus et al. |
06/06/2024 |
BMC Genom Data |
Genome-wide association study of BNT162b2 vaccine-related myocarditis identifies potential predisposing functional areas in Hong Kong adolescents, Chun Hing She et al. |
05/06/2024 |
The Telegraph |
Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths. Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates |
05/06/2024 |
ResearchGate |
COVID-19 era cancers: modRNA vaccines cannot be ruled out: Oral remarks to FDA VRBPAC, David M Wiseman et al. |
05/06/2024 |
Preprints |
A Reanalysis of an Italian Study on the Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination Suggests That It Might Have Unintended Effects on Total Mortality, Marco Alessandria et al. |
05/06/2024 |
BMC Medicine |
How effective is the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 transmission and infection? A national programme analysis in Monaco, July 2021 to September 2022, Thomas Althaus et al. |
05/06/2024 |
Science Adv. |
Epidemic outcomes following government responses to COVID-19: Insights from nearly 100,000 models, Eran Bendavid and Chirag J. Patel |
04/06/2024 |
Molecular Psychiatry |
Psychiatric adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: a population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea, Hong Jin Kim et al. |
04/06/2024 |
Hum Reprod |
Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates at a sperm bank in Denmark, Emilie Lassen et al. |
04/06/2024 |
Le Monde |
« Il est urgent d’harmoniser les réglementations internationales de biosécurité dans la recherche », Etienne Decroly |
04/06/2024 |
GB News |
Covid vaccines may have driven up excess deaths due to 'adverse events', damning new study suggests (journal BMJ Public Health) |
04/06/2024 |
Yahoo! |
Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths (The Telegraph) |
04/06/2024 |
The Telegraph |
Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths |
04/06/2024 |
Pr Didier Raoult |
Une vie avec les épidémies - Partie 11/11 (Vidéo 26') [grippe porcine en juin au Mexique, vaccination anti-grippe Sanofi dans les stades, autoritarisme d'Etat, défiance, épidémie Covid, Suède, +85 ans, oxymètre, hypoxie heureuse, coagulation, PCR, vérité des ministères, expérience des gladiateurs] |
04/06/2024 |
Pr Didier Raoult |
Une vie avec les épidémies - Partie 11/11 (Vidéo 26') |
03/06/2024 |
Ann Med. |
Safety and effectiveness of remdesivir in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and severe renal impairment: experience at a large medical center, Hsuan-Yu Chang et al. |
03/06/2024 |
The Epoch Times |
FDA Recommends Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Due to Waning Effectiveness |
03/06/2024 |
BMJ Public Health |
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022, Saskia Mostert et al. (article cité par The Telegraph et Yahoo! le 4 juin) |
03/06/2024 |
Daily Mail |
Dr. Fauci tears up during congressional testimony as Republicans tear into him for Covid 'lies' and Marjorie Taylor Greene says he belongs in 'prison' |
03/06/2024 |
Oversight |
A Hearing with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Vidéo 3h47) |
02/06/2024 |
Le Parisien |
Ils traquent les études bancales ou frauduleuses : la croisade des chevaliers blancs de la science (Elisabeth Bik, Lonni Besançon, Pr Didier Raoult) |
02/06/2024 |
Politico |
Fauci to face House Covid investigators amid growing concern about handling of virus research |
02/06/2024 |
New York Post |
NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide ($690 million to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) led by Dr. Anthony Fauci) |
02/06/2024 |
Daily Mail |
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids |
02/06/2024 |
TrialSiteNews |
Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients |
01/06/2024 |
JACC: Advances |
COVID-19 in the Initiation and Progression of Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology During and Beyond the Acute Phase, Vignesh Chidambaram et al. |
01/06/2024 |
Our World in Data |
78,4 % de la population française vaccinée complètement - 168.091 morts en France, 7,05 millions dans le monde - 154,49 millions de doses injectées en France, 13,58 milliards dans le monde |